全球十大网赌正规平台历史系在学院的许多学术场所进行对过去的研究和参与, in Hartford, in the region, and globally, 特别是我们在不同大陆的留学项目. Below is a list of the special opportunities available to History majors and students in general enrolled in our courses.

The Colin Leroy Research Fund

The Colin Leroy ‘10 Research Fund in the History Department of Trinity College was established in honor of Colin A. Leroy说,他2010年毕业于历史专业. 不幸的是,一年后的2011年7月4日,他去世了. His parents, Craig Leroy and Bethany Alvord, decided to honor his memory by establishing a fund in the History Department. The purpose of the Leroy fund is to assist history majors in research projects, including research outside the U.S. 官方基金描述如下:

Leroy基金为从事历史研究项目的历史专业学生和未成年人提供资助,用于任何历史领域的高级研讨会和论文. Grants may include, but are not restricted to, 图书馆特别采办等目的, 在夏季或学年期间去图书馆和档案馆, 购买有叠放和借阅特权的图书证, 而学习外语则需要进行研究. 历史系系主任将与指导学生研究的同事协商后颁发助学金,并将基金活动的年度报告寄给学生家属.

第一笔拨款给了13岁的艾玛·斯特恩洛夫,她用这笔钱去了芝加哥的纽伯里图书馆,使用了达西·麦克尼克尔美国和土著研究中心的档案. 第二笔拨款给了14岁的迈克尔·麦克莱恩(Michael McLean),他前往俄克拉何马州历史学会的研究中心,查阅与他关于印第安领土内战的论文相关的文件. In January 2014, Mollie Scheerer ' 14将前往洪都拉斯西部在中美洲的研究和开展在中心考古调查(CRIA)在Copàn Ruinas镇档案研究, 毗邻古玛雅城市科潘. 玛雅城Copàn是联合国教科文组织世界遗产, and Mollie’s thesis is examining the Mayan Hieroglyphic Stairway in the Acropolis of the ancient city of Copàn. Major pieces of the Stairway currently reside in the Peabody Museum of Ethnology and Archaeology at Harvard University, 他们在19世纪末被运送到那里.

In these ways, 历史系鼓励学生申请勒罗伊基金的资助,以进一步研究和纪念科林. 历史系学生在大四完成论文(H498-99)后,可以向历史系主任提交资助申请,以供考虑和批准.
A student must submit an application to the History Department setting forth plans to do research, citing the reasons for the off-campus research as it relates to the prospectus of the thesis. 申请中应包括详细说明旅行费用的预算, lodging, 膳食及杂项费用(图书馆费), photocopying, etc.).

申请必须包括论文指导老师的推荐信. It will be approved or disapproved by the History Department Chair in consultation with the thesis supervisor. After the research trip, 学生必须向部门行政助理提交一份报告, Lidija Petrus, where the research was done, what documents, maps, 学生们在做研究时查阅的照片, 以及它们与论文项目的相关性. 必须提供证明费用的收据. 学生将提交一篇文章到三一历史博客. Students applying for funds supporting research in upper-division history courses follow the same procedure, 由教授授课的教授协助.


Understanding the past at Trinity, in Hartford, 在该地区,全球十大网赌正规平台城市与全球研究中心(CUGS)的使命是:“推进全球十大网赌正规平台在校园内整合城市和全球教育的战略使命。, in Hartford, and globally.” CUGS is “the first center of its kind at a top liberal arts college in the United States, 学校促进课程活动, research projects, and civic engagement with a broad urban and global focus by working closely with the departments and programs at Trinity, 哈特福德市的各种组织, and international partners.” Institutionally, the History Department is represented on CUGS’s Faculty Advisory Board by Professor Jeff Bayliss, whose research focus is Japan, and whose courses at Trinity “challenge his students to question common assumptions about Japanese culture and history, 以及“premodern”等常见概念的含义,’ ‘modern,’ ‘Asian,’ and ‘Western.’”
2012年秋季至2013年秋季期间,达里奥·A. Euraque served as co-chair of a major initiative launched via CUGS: a co-curricular initiative entitled, “城市:跨越时空的全球与城市体验”. It originated with a proposal co-authored with Professor Garth Myers, Paul E. 城市国际研究特聘教授. 该方案在2012年春天获得了14k的奖金. In the Fall of 2012, students in eight First-Year Seminars immersed themselves in studies of Cities and urban cultures across time, 包括以下研讨会:埃及亚历山大, Athens and Rome, Paris, je t’aime, Italian Cities, 城市学校改革导论, 两个古城:哥潘和吴哥, The “Creative Class” and the City, 以及嘻哈研究概论. Students and faculty also participated in a Cities associated film series in both semesters, usually in the evening, 并在2012-2013学年由教师领导的系列讲座中, 通常在星期四的公共时间. Some of the co-curricular activities included participation in Trinity’s Hip-Hop Festival, directed by History Department professor of African History and International Studies, Seth Markle.

学院过去的研究一般都在保罗·E. 图书馆与信息技术中心, 以1968届全球十大网赌正规平台历史系学生的名字命名. Our department’s faculty nurtures close relationships with the Raether library and the librarians. 被指派与历史系教师和学生以及研究研讨会一起工作的参考图书馆员非常有效. 沃特金森图书馆——珍本图书馆——是学院学生和教师研究的另一个基本资源. Courses such as Professor Jonathan Elukin’s “History of the Book” are centered on its holdings. Historiography and Junior and Senior Seminars also hold sessions in the library. Faculty and students carrying out primary research in virtually all regions of the world will find unique, and rare books, 沃特金森图书馆的文件和地图.

Complementing the rich collections at the Watkinson Library is the Connecticut Historical Society, 位于历史悠久的哈特福德西区. Founded in 1825, it is one of the oldest national historical societies in the United States. 康涅狄格历史协会是一家非盈利博物馆, a terrific library, as well as an education center. Its holdings include 270,000 artifacts, graphics and over 100,000 books and pamphlets, 也是新英格兰最大的服装和纺织品收藏馆之一. 在最近的一段时间里,它的藏品因文献项目而丰富起来, via oral history and photos, 移民到哈特福德和加勒比海地区, 来自波多黎各和牙买加等西印度群岛国家, Barbados and Trinidad. Currently, Dr. Borden Painter ’58, 杰出的全球十大网赌正规平台历史系毕业生, former chair, 也是全球十大网赌正规平台的前任院长和校长, serves on the Board of Trustees of this important institution as First- Vice President. Dr. Painter is the author of 墨索里尼的罗马:重建永恒之城 (Palgrave, 2005). The Connecticut Historical Society is the largest of innumerable local historical societies in the state.

Another regional opportunity for research in the state is the Connecticut State Library, 离全球十大网赌正规平台只有几个街区. 它的使命是提供“各种各样的图书馆”, information, archival, public records, museum, 以及为康涅狄格州公民提供行政服务, as well as for the employees and officials of all three branches of State government. 州立图书馆也为学生提供服务, researchers, 全州的公共图书馆和镇政府. A number of scholars in our department are familiar with this archival source, 包括格林伯格和维克曼教授, and Professor Scott Gacc. Professor Gacc enjoys a joint appointment with the American Studies Program at Trinity, 目前担任该项目的主席. 他教授美国文化史方面的各种课程, 还写过反奴隶制运动的文章, protest music, the Civil War, and violence in the U.S. 在美国,关于这些和其他主题的引人入胜的研究收藏.S. a mile or so from Trinity are archival holdings of the Mark Twain House and the Harriet Beecher Stowe Center. Professor Joan Hedrick, 她也在美国研究项目任教, 并在历史系享有礼遇, 她为伟大的废奴主义者哈里特·比彻·斯托(1811-1896)撰写传记,并在哈特福德的斯托中心进行了研究,获得了普利策奖.

对该地区及其他地区的印第安人历史感兴趣的全球十大网赌正规平台学生不仅有维克曼教授的专家, the area features some of the most cutting edged museums and research venues to engage that experience of conquest, resistance and accommodation. 最引人注目的是Mashantucket Pequot博物馆和研究中心. Located in Ledyard, CT, 它是该地区同类博物馆中最现代化的, 而且可能是美国同类中最好的. Its research center is a venue for students examining Native American and colonial interactions. In the spring of 2014, 在维克曼教授的新研究研讨会上, 东北地区的地方感(HIST 311),” students will explore the Mashantucket Pequot Museum’s interactive displays, work at the research center, and consult with Pequot tribal members about change and continuity on their ancestral homelands.

教师和学生也享受访问和访问, often, 在美国一些最重要的学术图书馆和博物馆的特殊档案和收藏的研究特权.S., 许多都在全球十大网赌正规平台的车程之内, including Harvard, Yale, Brown, Columbia; Princeton, 纽约大学和许多其他大学. 历史系的许多教员都在这些杰出的学术机构获得了本科和研究生学位,他们很熟悉在这些机构的图书馆里进行独特的历史研究的机会:哈佛, Kathleen Kete ’89; Jeff Bayliss, ’03; Zayde Antrim ’05; and Thomas Wickman ’12; Princeton, Sam Kassow ’76 and Jonathan Elukin ’93; Brown, Joan Hedrick ’74; Columbia, Cheryl Greenberg ’88; Yale, Michael Lestz ’82; and Seth Markle, New York University ’11.


当建议希望在国外学习或研究过去的历史系学生时,同样重要的是历史系教师生活过的事实, researched, 曾在世界上许多国家任教和演讲, including Italy, Greece, Turkey, Finland, Germany, Austria, France, Spain, Poland, Israel, Syria, Morocco, Japan, China, Cambodia, Korea, South Africa, Tanzania, Mexico, Argentina, Honduras, Guatemala, Chile, Costa Rica, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Trinidad and Tobago and many, many others. 我们的一些教员获得了学位, masters and doctorates, 在美国以外的国家:贝利斯, an MA in Japan; Antrim, an MA in Oxford, and Kassow, an MA in London. Jennifer M. Regan-Lefebvre, a historian of modern Britain, Ireland and the British Empire, 在贝尔法斯特女王大学获得硕士和博士学位, 曾在埃克塞特大学任教, the University of Cambridge, 以及巴黎美国大学.

历史系教师在全球范围内研究过去的影响力和存在,已经并将继续与我们的学生和专业的海外学习经历相匹配. Between 2001 and 2013, on an average slightly half of all History Majors studied abroad in many countries, 包括几乎所有我们的教师生活过的国家, researched and taught. Favorites have been to some of the traditional destinations in Trinity College’s own study-abroad options, Austria, Italy, France, and Spain, 以及为此目的授权的其他选项, Australia and England. The Rome campus, 很久以前由58年波登画家名誉教授建立, 几十年来一直是最受欢迎的目的地吗. In the History Department today, Professor Sean Cocco’s courses on Italian history are gateways before and after study in our Rome campus. Kete教授关于巴黎和法国历史的课程为我们杰出的巴黎三位一体项目提供了同样的服务. During the last decade or so, the History Department’s global research and teaching specialties have diversified, and thus more recently history students are taking advantage of studying in Trinity programs in China, South Africa, Argentina, and in the Caribbean, in Trinidad & Tobago. 鉴于这些是全球十大网赌正规平台的课程,历史专业的学分转换要比不直接在我们监督下的课程容易得多.

在这方面,最近的一个亮点和创新的特殊机会是在柬埔寨的夏季学习选择,由Michael Lestz和Dario A. Euraque of the History Department and Professor Pablo Delano of the Studio Arts Program. 2013年夏季版这个机会集中在柬埔寨历史研究及其古代和当代文化遗产意义的课程上. The course, entitled, 《全球十大网赌正规平台》是2013年5月和6月前往柬埔寨的实地调查. Launched with the scholarship aid provided by the O’Neill Asia Cum Laude Endowment and the Charlotte Riggs Scholarship fund, 十名全球十大网赌正规平台的学生和四位教授有幸前往金边和暹粒,深入研究古代和现代柬埔寨.

最近,由达里奥. Euraque, efforts are under way to highlight the opportunities of studying the history of the United States, and Latin American, Atlantic, South Asian, African, and Caribbean history at the University of the West Indies in Trinidad and Tobago. 在加勒比学术背景下研究这些和其他全球历史主题的独特选择,是全球十大网赌正规平台历史最悠久的海外学习项目之一, the Trinity-in-Trinidad Program. Professor Luis A. 菲格罗亚关于加勒比历史和美洲非洲侨民的课程为在特立尼达学习提供了极好的准备. 特立尼达三位一体项目为学生提供了一个无与伦比的机会,让他们了解美洲最多样化、文化最丰富的地区之一:加勒比地区, 欧洲殖民主义在该地区的十字路口, especially the British Empire. Based in the dynamic, English speaking, 特立尼达和多巴哥的两个岛屿国家, 这个项目包括政治学研究, the sciences, human rights, economics, and of course, history. 历史实习可以在不同的地方获得学分, including, the National Archives of Trinidad and Tobago; the Paria Publishing Co. Limited, specializing in Museum design; the Heritage Library of Trinidad’s National Library and Information Systems Authority – (NALIS); and Trinidad’s National Museum and Art Gallery. Regan-Lefebre和Wickman教授提供的各种课程可以作为出发前在加勒比学习历史的背景.